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Naturally White Teeth

Aug 16, 2022

3 Essential Non-Toxic Oral Care Products

Surprisingly, products that I typically used (Crest, Listerine, and Arm & Hammer) aren't that bad! With that said, I did find  certain chemicals, such as PEGs and Parabens, in each I'd rather not be exposed to twice a day. After a trial and error with several product replacement fails, these products are my top choice for all natural, clean alternatives that are just as good as their typical counterpart - if not better.

30 May, 2023
7 reasons the Universe is sending you the same message on repeat.
06 Mar, 2023
POV: The Universe sends you signs but you have no idea what they mean. Me: It's time to up your mindfulness.
14 Feb, 2023
Making sense of messages from Spirit about your future.
31 Jan, 2023
The final truth revealed in '20 Truths Your Twenties Teach You.'
17 Jan, 2023
A lesson on perseverance, strength and self trust.
10 Jan, 2023
Truth No. 18: If It Doesn't Feel Right, It's Not. Featured in, 20 Truths Your Twenties Teach You.
13 Dec, 2022
4 Things I Ask Spirit for Help With Regularly That Also Build Confidence In My Intuitive Abilities.
Woman at peace
28 Nov, 2022
How to remain open and ready to receive your manifestations.
01 Nov, 2022
Ever wonder what vibes you're giving off? Your emotional state has a lot to do with the energy you give off and attract into your life.
20 Oct, 2022
Learn how to gain control over your internal dialogue.
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