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Thinking About Going Clean?

Jun 20, 2022

How to Start Swapping Everyday Toxic Products For Clean Ones

Making the switch to clean products can feel totally overwhelming when you don’t know which brands and products to trust or where to find them. The key things to remember as you try to swap out toxic products, is that this change doesn’t have to happen overnight. 

This can be a long process depending on how much you want to change. Purchasing all new products at once can be pricey and you may purchase things you don’t actually like using or ones you come to find out aren’t actually clean. Take your time! Discover the products you actually like to help make going clean sustainable. 

Tips Before you Start 

  • Focus on one area at a time. Start with just Kitchen products, or Laundry, or Personal Care, etc. 
  • Prioritize replacing products you use the most frequently first to limit your exposure to toxic ingredients. 
  • Replace products with clean alternatives as you finish them

Helpful Resources

Environmental Working Group's (EWG)   Healthy Living App + Website are great places to start. You can type in specific ingredients to see if they are safe and even scan products right on sight to see the toxicity level. The app grades products from 1- 10 and color codes scores to easily indicate what is safe and what should be used minimally. 

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