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Achievement Is Overrated

May 04, 2022

Truth No. 3: Achievement is overrated.

Featured in, 20 Truths Your Twenties Teach You.

As kids we are given gold stars for all the good things we do. We are taught to achieve and are rewarded when we do. As we age we are encouraged to receive honors, get outstanding merits, raises, promotions, awards… the list goes on and the cycle of achieving goes round and round. Satisfying one achievement to reach towards the next. 

This mentality of constantly having to achieve something to fuel your sense of your worth and contribution is very harmful. You are already worthy. You are inherently enough. 

You don’t need to work hard to make someone else proud of you. You don’t need to achieve something outside yourself to be happy. Don’t fall for the myth that you must blindly achieve. Simply do because you are drawn to do so and leave the external pressures behind.

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