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Connecting with Spirit

Apr 21, 2022

Looking for a sign from the universe? Start deepening your connection with spirit by following these 3 steps.

Step One. Make Your Desire to Connect Known.

The first step in connecting to spirit is having the desire to connect. Your team of guides are always with you, it doesn’t matter if you ‘connect’ with them or not. They are protecting and guiding you since birth and love you infinitely. However, if you want to deepen this connection and start working more in tune with them, first start by expressing your desire to connect. Say your desire out loud or write it down.

Dear Angels and Spirit Guides of the Highest Good, Thank you for supporting me and loving me. I am writing to you [speaking to you] with the desire to connect with you deeper. 

Step Two. Ask a Question.

With your intention known, you can take it further and write down or ask out loud a specific question. You can ask anything! You can start by asking your guide's name, or ask to receive signs confirming they are with you, or about a situation troubling you, or if a certain decision is supported. Ask anything you are curious about or need help with. As you start, it's best to only ask one question at a time. Be clear in your question and remember the more specific you are, the better. Once you say your question out loud or write it down, it is heard. You don't need to continue to ask it. Release it and follow step #3.

Step Three. Wait and Receive.

Now you wait. Wait patiently and remain open to receiving your answer. It could take hours to get a response, days, or weeks. Just go about your days normally and do not get discouraged by the amount of time it takes! One of my first questions took several weeks to receive an answer but when I did, it was the most perfectly crafted response, it was created just for me so unbelievably it brought me to tears. 

Answers can come in many, many forms so, start to open up and pay attention to the little things. There are truly no coincidences. Answers can come through the words of others, a conversation you overhear, through talk radio, songs, through the symbolism of animals that you come across, literal signs you read as you sit in traffic - They will be sure to deliver the message directly to you, you won’t be able to miss it. 

Good luck, have fun, and be open to being amazed!

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