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Your Body Has Its Own Intelligence. Listen Closely.

Aug 30, 2022

Truth No.14: Your Body Has Its Own Intelligence. Listen Closely.

Featured in, 20 Truths Your Twenties Teach You.

When we are trying to make a decision about what’s right for us, we rely on our mind, our logical reasoning and thinking skills to help us. We’re taught to make pros and cons lists and look objectively to make the best decision.

Contrary to popular belief, our mind does not in fact hold all the answers. Sometimes our mind can cloud and complicate things, especially if you are someone who is anxious and prone to overthinking. 

Rather than solely relying on that pros and cons list, practice paying attention to how your body feels about whatever you need guidance on. 

Do you get a pit in your stomach when you think about it? Or do you feel at ease and warm? Are your muscles tense or relaxed? Do you feel a flutter of excitement or pins and needles? Do you receive confirmation chills all over your body or a gut feeling something is wrong?

These are subtle ways your body cues you into your heart's desires and alerts you to something important. The more you practice listening to your body’s signals, the better you’ll get at maneuvering out of bad situations and into good opportunities. 

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